Nu:le Coat is the revolutionary definitive surface color kit recommended by us for perfect finalization of 3D prints . This special kit revolutionizes the approach and final quality of 3D printed medical devices by several factors:
- Deep coloring and absence of dispersion layer
- Pigments infiltrate deep into the resin with sandblasted surface.
- Leaves no dispersion layer.
- Innovative sealant
- The kit includes a specific gel that replaces classic lacquers.
- It does not yellow either after curing or over time, avoiding discolorations characteristic of composites.
- After gel application, the surface is finished and ready for delivery. If desired, you can mechanically re-polish without the risk of removing the colors.
- Compatibility with 3D printing
- It cures at the same wavelength as 3D printing resins.
- The printed part is never exposed to wavelengths other than those required, avoiding potential damage.
- You can use the 3D printing resin oven without the need for additional machinery.